Literacy involves social, cultural & functional codes that help us participate in society. In Canada, we need a comprehensive literacy strategy, which entails a shift in policy orientation so that learning and human development are considered as ends in themselves. The economic benefits of literacy learning are obvious; the question is how to make the learning happen. Instead of asking Economists to quantify the benefits, lets ask educators to qualify how to make learning happen.

Monday, May 29, 2006

MTML Community Consultations: Community Policy Initiative

“What does the literacy community need to improve adult literacy rates and increase learner participation in Toronto and York Region?”
What are your thoughts?
Post your comments, ideas, suggestions, or questions here.
Or come to discuss this with question with other people in the literacy field at our community meetings. See the MTML website for more details.


Anonymous Distance Learning said...

I can't say anything because, I am a student of community college and I don't know much about it !

So, I would like to shut my mouth !


10:08 PM


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